The Interdisciplinary Doctoral Emphasis in Medieval Studies

The interdisciplinary doctoral emphasis in Medieval Studies is designed primarily for Ph.D. candidates specializing in European and Mediterranean cultures (roughly 500-1500), although students focusing on other medieval cultures may also participate if they fulfill the requirements. The program includes faculty and graduate students from at least five departments in the Division of the Humanities.

For more information about interdisciplinary emphases and certificates at UCSB, click here!

This emphasis gives institutional recognition to the intrinsically interdisciplinary nature of medieval studies, and the intellectual cross-fertilization and cooperation that has long existed among faculty and graduate students in western medieval and Middle Eastern disciplines at UC Santa Barbara. The Doctoral Emphasis in Medieval Studies has been developed primarily for Ph.D. candidates who wish to explore interdisciplinary aspects of the field outside of their home department The faculty in the Medieval Studies Program firmly believe that while our graduate students continue to pursue degrees within traditional disciplines, the emphasis will enhance their prospects for academic positions by affirming that they have analyzed medieval society from a multidisciplinary perspective, that they have approached its society and culture through original sources in more than one language, and that they have received formal training in technical skills that are necessary for research with archival or manuscript materials.

The requirements for the doctoral emphasis in Medieval Studies include the colloquium series/2-unit graduate course (Medieval Studies 200A-B-C); Medieval Latin (LATIN 103); Paleography and Codicology (HIST 201E); at least one course in a medieval vernacular language; and 8 elective units.

For more information, click here!